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Wildlife Emergency Services

I have founded/co-founded 2 organisations that I think of as 'emergency wildlife organisations'.  They are called the Wildlife Care Badge & UK Wildlife Transporters.  We're all just one planetary community & these 'wild' organisations are just a way to provide a helping human hand, as & when needed, to our UK wildlife: recognising the right that we ALL share, to thrive.


Right now, UKWT is in the middle of a fundraiser to hire staff to ensure medical care for 1000s of wild lives...  If you check out the 'WILD PRODUCTS & SERVICES PAGE' too, every penny from those products/services is also going towards my wild emergency services too. 


Wildlife Care Badge

As the Wildlife Rescue Industry is unregulated in Wales, England and Northern Ireland, whenever a member of the public takes a wildlife casualty to a Wildlife Rescue or Rehabber, they can't know in advance - unless it is one of the few very large centres - whether they are dropping that animal off at the welfare equivalent of a hospital or a horror shop.


It is even the case that, unless a Vet Practice or Wildlife Rescue actively visits and closely works with local (and other) Wildlife Rescues/Rehabbers in their area, even they find it impossible, observing from the outside, to judge if the Wildlife Rescues in question really have the right knowledge/structure to rehab the wildlife who come into their care versus who, despite good intentions, accidentally cause a great deal of suffering, through misdiagnosis, illegal and ill given medications and more...  


The Wildlife Care Badge has been launched to change all that...

UK Wildlife Transporters

UKWT is a UK based, non-profit organisation that recruits, equips - with carriers & disinfectant - and funds fuel costs for a national network of wildlife-loving Volunteer Drivers who all give up their time, and use their own vehicles, to respond at short notice to help get injured/poorly UK wildlife to medical care ASAP.


Over a million - perhaps even up to 2 million - wildlife casualties found in the UK can end up passing away purely because they couldn't be transported to & from Rescues/Vets/Rehabbers quickly enough/at all...


UKWT is here to change all that....

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Our Planet (Our Paradise)

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