Let’s examine our dictionary definitions of what ‘wild’ and ‘domestic’’ means...
'Wild’ versus ‘Domesticated’ (land and species).
‘Wild’... (Of an animal or plant) living or growing in the natural environment: not domesticated or cultivated. (Of a place or region) uninhabited, uncultivated or inhospitable.
‘Domesticated’... (Of an animal) tame and kept as a pet or on a farm. (Of a plant) cultivated for food, naturalised.
So... What assumptions have we made, in the dictionary definitions above?
We have assumed that there is a ‘natural environment’ (as opposed to unnatural). Now, we have already agreed - in the post that states that 'we ARE nature itself' that as the planet births ALL species (and so is ultimately behind whatever every species does) there is only ONE planet (all natural).
We have also assumed, in the dictionary definitions, that humans ‘domesticate’ or ‘cultivate’ other species (whether animal or plant) and - it is implied - also remove them from planetary processes, to only be under human processes.
- We are all beings birthed by our planet (we are all one planet). - As our planet is 100% ‘natural’ (every inch of it is the ‘natural world’) then all beings are ‘wild’ (ie. ‘living or growing in the natural environment’). - Humans - being part of the planet - are therefore unable to move any other being ‘outside of the natural world/our planetary processes’ SO no species (whether farm/pet etc) has been ‘domesticated’ by us.
Is it possible to ‘tame’? (*Definition: (Of an animal) not dangerous or frightened of people)... - Yes and No. An animal will ALWAYS be wild (‘of our planet and the natural world’) but it can be comfortable with humans and not generally dangerous to us BUT - like with humans - when afraid or uncomfortable, every animal can become ‘dangerous & frightened of people.’
‘Under the control of humans’ and ‘outside the control of humans’ (also including: not being used or manipulated for human ends).
[I do reference ‘wildlife’ a bit throughout this blog. I decided on this because, even though we are ALL wild beings, ‘wildlife’ is a globally understood term for the creatures that are not farmed, pets or used in research and that potter freely around our rural and urban spaces and so I felt that it was confusing not to use it. Plus, they are of course, wild lives in their own right.]
As we are all wild creatures, we are born equal and we are all born fundamentally free (we have no rights over the minds and bodies of one another)...